What are the challenges & opportunities that lie ahead for T2T recycling?
Becky’s research with Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) between 2011-2019 provided her with a first hand foundational knowledge in how the technologies for polyester & cellulosic material recycling works. The Trash-2-Cash project (EU H2020, 2015-2018) translated this knowledge into new prototypes, each experimenting with a different USP. Reflections & insights from this work - & more recent projects - can be found below.
Read our 2023 WCTD report…
…on T2T progress in Indonesia
Circular Textile Transitions
Becky was invited to talk at a Material Connexions Italia event, part of Design Week in Milan. She drew from her experience of the Trash-2-Cash project & talked about how circular textiles design needs to have a holistic vision for textile-to-textile processes. It’s not just about the technology…
“Using textile design approaches to keep polyester in use for as long as possible has become my mission. We can make durable, flexible and light materials, and we can recycle them. However, they operate within outdated and damaging systems which, whilst being profitable for industry, remain exploitative for workers and excessive in terms of over-production and overconsumption. We need design to create and test new, more equitable and socially balanced models.”
Becky, Social Design Institute, Meet the Researcher, link