How do we start to do things differently as designers?
Becky works in very creative & innovative ways. Here, she shares some of her frameworks, approaches & lessons, in the form of films, talks & essays. Card decks & worksheets are often used, alongside audio visual resources, in real life & online settings. (You are invited to download the tools from the Action part of this website.)
Circular Fashion Course
Training films on YouTube.
This free online course was made with Inspire Circular & Centre for Circular Design at UAL, as part of the World Circular Textiles Day 2050 work. It offers 26 short films on YouTube to help anyone interested in fashion & textiles understand the basics.
Design Tools: demo films
Watch how you can use more of the tools.
During the lockdown in 2020 Becky made these films to share some of the ‘how to’ approaches from her work over the years. You can access all the tools she talks about in the Action part of this website.
THE TEN: animations
Ten ways to think about sustainable design.
These strategies were developed & tested over many years by Becky, with fellow researchers & designers. The animations provide a useful overview of the core sustainability issues that design need to understand & consider.
THE TEN cards: demo film
Ten ways to ‘play’ with sustainable design.
These cards can be used in lots of different ways to explore sustainable design. Most often used to help redesign a current product, into one which is less harmful to the planet, they can also be used to help create focal points & actions plans. You can download a PDF version of the cards from the Action part of this website.
Origins of The TEN
At this 2015 event by Zero Waste Scotland, Becky gives a lightening quick overview of how she used the redesign & remaking of used shirts to evolve The TEN sustainability strategies.