What guidance can we offer designers when using new biobased materials?

Becky’s research with the HEREWEAR project (2020-2024) focused on developing design guidelines & tools for using new biobased materials. The guidelines - the BIO TEN - consider local, circular & extended life elements. The materials are made from European agriwaste, in collaboration with TNO & other partners.

Bio, local, circular

How can we design, make, wear, repair, reuse & remake bio-based clothes? The HEREWEAR Hub is a learning site where you can access information to help you join this movement to a better future.

(Animation & hub launching 13.06.24!)

Biolifecycle Extension

What are the ways we can extend the life of bio-based clothing?

How can we wear, repair, reuse & remake bio-based clothes? At Romanian Design Week 2023 Becky & Laetitia joined forces with REDU & guests to explore these questions in a variety of hands-on ways, for the HEREWEAR project.

Workshop Recap

Why were we at Romanian Design Week in 2023?

In this short interview with Becky, she reflects on the rationale behind what the project team has been doing, the results & how it was for the participants.

Interim Results

Designing with new biobased materials for circular & local clothing.

In this film the HEREWEAR partners present the interim results, as part of the UAL Research Season March 2022. The session was hosted by Becky & organised by Laetitia.