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Designing & remaking for climate action


Sustainability, circularity, equity

Professor Becky Earley founded the B.Earley design studio in London in 1995. For almost thirty years she has been seeking creative ways to innovate through design, to vision & build a better world.


Creating new design approaches in the face of climate emergency

Becky’s design research practice portfolio of highly innovative thinking, making & writing covers a wide range of global questions concerned with the material systems of today & tomorrow:

  • sustainable & circular design

  • local & bio-based design

  • design for lifecycle speeds

  • education, leadership & the self

...we must come down to earth from the clouds where we live in vagueness and experience the most real thing there is: material.
— Anni Albers (1938)
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Re/making & sense/making

Becky uses the beauty and wonder of the world around her & the magic of the everyday, to create visually impactful remade textile works. Her ‘upcycled’ print & clothing designs are featured in museums, galleries & books, as timely examples of design & climate thinking. Find out more…

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Making change, together

Words are easy. Actions are much harder. Working together, rather than alone, is key to creating real change in the face of the climate crisis. Find out more about how Becky does this & access resources which will help you to take action yourself.

Get involved with WCTD2050

Launched on October 8 2020, World Circular Textiles Day 2050 is a celebration of progress, right around the globe. Join hundreds of brands, companies, organisations & individuals on this joyful journey to full circularity.

  • Research Circles (2020)

    Essays and interviews from CCD, marking the 3-year milestone moment, in our 5-year journey.

  • Museum of Unrest

    Design education & climate crisis: a conversation between Becky & Claire Farrell (Extinction Rebellion)

  • WCTD2024

    What's on the shop floor in 2024?

  • AI Prototyping

    Bittersweet Shirt - the latest Top 100 garment - was made with AI to explore different ‘local’ human & machine remaking aesthetics

  • Material Matters Fair

    18-21 September 2024, London


    As the 4-year Herewear Project comes to an end, Becky is busy refining the final design guidelines, tools & prototypes for the TCBL hub

  • Conference Keynote

    On 27.05.24 Becky gave a ten-minute keynote about WCTD, for the 3rd World Centre for Environmental Creativity & Innovation Conference, Cairo, Egypt

  • Podcast Interview

    In episode 2 of Designer’s Voice, Becky talks with Alys Bryan & Prof Gareth Williams about the future of design education, climate & feminism

  • Material Matters

    In this podcast, Becky talks to Grant Gibson about climate change, polyester, design & textiles - reflecting on her personal & creative journey

  • Book Chapter

    Becky wrote ‘Clothing 2050’ - a circular fashion futures chapter - for the Routledge book, ‘Accelerating Sustainability in Fashion’ (Charter et al 2023)

  • Waste Age, Advisory Role

    Becky supported the Design Museum in their curatorial quest to bring together the best examples of designing with waste, for their sell-out exhibition

  • Design Tools

    Access Becky’s sustainable & circular design tools here & find out more about how to use them for your own changemaker activities

  • Press Archive

    Browse through Becky’s digital press book; cuttings spanning thirty years of fashion, textiles & re/making