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Research, Re/making, Resilience


Sustainability, circularity, equity

Becky Earley founded the B.Earley print studio in London in 1995. For thirty years she has been seeking creative ways to reimagine our material world using the medium of discarded objects & clothing


    You can now find all of Becky’s interviews in this podcast collection, where you can hear her being interviewed, as well as her interviewing other experts


    Becky supports many organisations in achieving their climate goals. From big brands to start-ups, museums to organisations, Becky is always keen to support change.


    Translating new ideas & concepts into real material objects enables visual & practical testing to take place. Feedback to the new prototypes feeds back into new models & tools.


    Giving keynote talks is an opportunity to share experience, ideas and insights - through storytelling, carefully created visuals & bespoke collections of hands-around materials.


    Becky loves both taking part & chairing lively debates on timely, important topics. Her expertise covers sustainable & circular materials, creativity, making, design strategy, leadership, climate feminism, EDIA & education.


    Writing-up the energetic approach & project outcomes is a task that Becky embraces, viewing it as an opportunity to slow down, reflect & extract the research ‘gems’…


    Becky’s approach to research is to look, read & listen - then make new conceptual prototypes - which directly inform new design strategy. The resulting tools are available to all.


    Sharing ideas & hosting enlightened discussions, dynamic workshop formats with timely & relevant outputs, Becky excels at bringing people together to achieve agreed goals.


    You can browse the gallery of specially-created works for clients that Becky has completed over the years. Shoes, radiotherapy gowns, sofa fabrics, wedding dresses…


    Visioning the future through exhibitions & showcases: you can find out more about Becky’s award-winning curatorial work for museums, galleries, brands & other clients.


    Becky’s most recent artworks use giant plant images, heat-photogram techniques & digital manipulations, on worn-out furnishing materials, to create limited edition prints


    Browse through Becky’s digital press book, which contains cuttings spanning over thirty years of re/making textiles for fashion & other contexts.

Creating new creative approaches in the face of climate emergency

Becky’s research practice portfolio of highly innovative thinking, remaking & writing covers a wide range of global questions concerned with the material systems of today & tomorrow:

  • sustainable & circular

  • bio-local

  • long & short lifecycle speeds

  • education, leadership & the self


...we must come down to earth from the clouds where we live in vagueness and experience the most real thing there is: material.
— Anni Albers (1938)
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Re/making & sense/making

Becky uses the beauty and wonder of the world around her & the magic of the everyday, to create visually impactful remade visual works. Her ‘upcycled’ prints & garment one-offs are featured in museums, galleries & books as timely examples of how we might remake for resilience.

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Making change, together

Words are easy. Action can be much harder. Working together, rather than alone, is key to creating real change & being resilient in the face of the climate crisis. Find out more about how Becky does this & access resources which will help you to take action yourself.

Get involved with WCTD2050

Launched on October 8 2020, World Circular Textiles Day 2050 is a celebration of progress, right around the globe. Join hundreds of brands, companies, organisations & individuals on this joyful journey to a shared circular future.